Web Development
I have used Code Pen, WordPress and BSD Academy utilizing resources such as the MDN website and W3schools.
Quaker Wealth Management
Deliverable: A functioning website updated for Quaker Wealth that features photos, buttons, links, navigation and footer.
During my internship at Hopeworks I was a web development intern. I edited these two pages and completed QA for Quaker Wealth Management. The challenges were keeping up with the client's demands and requests.
Deliverable: A functioning 4 page website to educate on Lionhead rabbits. Features to include were photos, buttons, links, navigation and footer.
This project gave me hands on experience in Word Press and to learn more about rabbits to better care for my own rabbit, Leon.


Production Test
Client: Unleashed Media
Deliverable: The goal was to revamp a pseudo company called Unleashed Media. It was important to keep the original pages, text and images while maintaining a consistent design with a modern design.
I personally used Procreate to redesign the logo into a more modern look at a higher resolution.